วันเสาร์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553



What is fat?
       Body fat is a compound comprised of glycerol -- a substance formed in fatty acids -- and fatty acids which is required as a concentrated energy source for our muscles. Fat is a storage substance for the body's extra calories and it fills fat cells (adipose tissue) that help insulate the body. When the body has used up the calories from carbohydrates it begins to depend on the calories from fat. 

7 Reasons : You're Fat and Why You'll Probably Stay Fat 

  1. You're Lazy . Plain and simple. The thought of exercising just makes you want another 200 calorie soda. 
  2. Your job rules your life . Whether you're a full-time mom or a business executive, you probably don't have time to eat healthy. 
  3. You have too much free time to spend eating . If you did more things rather than watch TV or sit at the computer chatting on facebook, maybe you could lose weight 
  4. You work from home and have a house full of goodies. The temptation is all around you. Doritos in the cabinet, cookies in the jar, ice cream in the freezer. Forget salad! 
  5. You eat anger/depression away . You can't help but hate the world, your job, your car, your kids, your friends, your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. Why not have another Oreo? 
  6. Your friends are fat and they drag you down . They eat out a lot, they snack, they order pizza/chinese and invite you over. It's inevitable to happen. 
  7. You just don't care about calories, fat content, carbs, you eat what you want because you only get one life to live. 

Here are some diseases 

  1. ARTHRITIS: Another disease which we have come to expect with old age is arthritis. The joints become stiff and sore, sometimes to the point where anti-inflammatory drugs are needed. Many health authorities do not think that there is a link between diet and arthritis, but there is evidence to the contrary. The Wyane State University Medical School put six rheumatoid arthritis sufferers on a fat-free diet. In seven weeks all the symptoms of the disease were gone.
  2. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: The British Medical Journal reported on a 38 year-old woman who had been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for 11 years. Four months after her doctor had removed all dairy products from her diet, her arthritic symptoms disappeared. She remained this way until, in the interest of science, she went back to eating dairy products. Within a day her joints became swollen and painful. When she returned to her abstinence of dairy products, these symptoms disappeared. It is quite possible that animal products lead to arthritis because fat and cholesterol coat the lining of the blood vessels leading to joint tissues. Nodes which are composed of cholesterol are often found near arthritic joints. Arthritis sufferers tend to have high blood cholesterol levels.
  3. GALLSTONES: Gallstones are made up of hardened cholesterol. Diets high in fat, cholesterol, and low in fiber lead to incidences of more gallstones. More fiber leads to fewer gallstones. It is believed that the fiber binds the cholesterol in the colon and helps it to exit out of the system.
  4. SKIN PROBLEMS: Acne, blackheads, and white heads are other examples of fatty degeneration. Sticky, thick, saturated fats and trans-fatty acids clog the narrow pores and cause infection and pimples. It would seem as if pores are designed for only the fluid like quality of the essential fatty acids.
  5. DIABETES: Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death. The Lancet reported on the study of diet in relation to diabetes. Dr. Inder Singh put 80 diabetic patients on a very low fat diet without any sugar. After six weeks, 60% of the patients no longer needed insulin. Diabetics create insulin, but high levels of fat in the blood cause insulin to malfunction. Reduce the saturated fat and the insulin can do its work. Dr. David Snowden summarized a report on 25,000 people over 21 years of age. In this study we looked at various levels of meat consumption, and as those levels got lower and lower, the risk of diabetes also decreased.
  6. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: This disease gradually attacks the brain, spinal cord, and the central nervous system. Within ten years of the first attack, most MS patients will be permanently disabled. Dr. Roy Swank, head of the Department of Neurology at the University of Oregon, tried treating incurable MS patients with a low-fat, low-protein diet. They were also given vitamins A, C, D, and B-complex. The results were astounding. Of the 146 patients on the diet, 90% of those in the early stages of MS stopped the disease-process and improved over a twenty-year period.
  7. ASTHMA: The University Hospital in Linkoping, Sweden, put Asthma sufferers on a vegetarian diet. Before the test, their condition was so severe that they needed cortisone or other types of powerful medication. After the test, medication dosages dropped an average of 50 to 90 percent. Some stopped taking the pills altogether.
    Life without essential fatty acids is impossible. They are crucial to the electrical reactions of cells. Essential fatty acids heal, carry vitamins, enhance metabolism and bring oxygen to the tissues. They are required by brain cells, sensory organs, synapses, retinas, adrenal glands and testes. Essential fatty acids act as solvents to remove hardened fat. They are involved in generating the electric currents that maintain a regular heartbeat. They appear to regulate chromosome stability and will even help you to lose weight! 
    There are two essential fatty acids:         
    Alpha-Linolenic acid (LNA) or Omega 3 is found in abundance in hemp seed, flax seed, pumpkin seed, walnuts, dark green leaves, canola, soybean and cold water fish. 
    Linoleic acid (LA) or Omega 6 is found in abundance in safflower, hemp, soybean, walnut, pumpkin, sesame, corn, sunflower and flax. 
    Essential fatty acids attract oxygen and generate electrical currents. They are also converted into hormone-like substances called prostaglandins which reduce allergic response and inflammation.
  9. GOOD OILS AND FATS Good oils and fats are found in avocados, nuts and seeds. Man has not come up to the standard of God's packaging genius. Removing the oil without exposing it to light, air and heat is a difficult task. It cannot be done cheaply. Because of an increasing awareness of the damage of trans-fatty acids, a demand has been created for high quality oil. Companies such as Omega have responded by developing high tech extraction methods in producing oils that would cause a flax seed to blush. Health Food stores are now supplying oils from pumpkin, flax, sunflower, walnut, and almond. They are oxygen-free, cold-pressed and must be stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator. Virgin olive oil is a poor source of essential fatty acids, but because it is unrefined, it is the least toxic of the store-bought oils. Estimates on fat consumption run from 40% to 45% of caloric intake. It has been estimated that the requirement for omega 3 is one percent of calories eaten. The requirement of omega 6 has been estimated at 2 percent of daily calories. These are powerful substances. Even three grams is sufficient to prevent symptoms of deficiency. The optimum amount has been estimated at 3-10% of calories or 9-30 grams daily. All fruits, vegetables and legumes have natural essential oils and fats. Raw seeds and nuts will supply an abundance of essential fatty acids. Cold-pressed oils can be purchased from your local health food store to be used in salad dressings. Cold-pressed, virgin olive oil should be used in moderation. Diseases can be reversed by diet, and also prevented. Good health is dependent on good nutrition. A diet high in natural oils, fats, seeds, grains, sprouts and an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables will increase the body's ability to remove health-destroying factors. Saturated fats and excess cholesterol impede cleansing because their sticky composition give blood a thick, sludge-like consistancy and slow down the whole system. A diet which avoids saturated fats, cholesterol, and hydrogenated vegetable oils will prevent disease. We need to drastically cut down on fat intake from animal sources or hydrogenated vegetable oils. For most people this is a drastic change in diet. It is not an easy change because toxic fats and oils create unnatural cravings just like drugs, both of which cause an imbalance in the body. So you may have to hang tough through the cravings for a greasy burger or fries. The cravings will eventually pass and you can establish a pattern of eating that will carry you through a long and healthy life. Cells cannot survive independently of the rest from the body. Every cell functions as an organism, all playing its part in promoting health, protection and growth. Think of a symphony. Each individual instrument in harmony with one another, working together through the leading of the conductor. Health is the symphony of the cell's functions, a song in perfect tempo and balance. Transformed fatty acids destroy the cell's ability to communicate with one another, chaos and disunity result which break down the cell's resistance to sickness and disease. Until the invention of the microscope, these cellular dramas have been played out, unknown to us. 
How to reduce your risk for Heart Disease the Natural Way 

        Are you one of the millions of people that is suffering from heart disease or even worse? Have already experienced a heart attack. 
        These days it's difficult not to meet someone who is either suffering from heart disease, has had a heart attack or has been told they are at risk for heart disease. It's just about as common as meeting someone with brown hair. Unfortunately, the media and even many well-meaning doctors are completely misinformed on how to tackle this growing epidemic. It's the number one killer in the US and plaguing many other countries as well. 

      What are we to do? 
The best plan of attack is to combat the risk factors the best we can. 
Use the following 5 tips to get you started on a heart healthy plan: 

  1. Drop the smokes. Yes, smoking has been shown to be one of the biggest risk factors in heart disease, mainly because of all the toxic chemicals added to cigarettes (not that I'm recommending tobacco or anything.) 
  2. Walk, walk, walk. If finding time for a structured exercise program is just too much of a challenge right now, just start by walking. I have known many people who have strengthened their heart and reversed severe conditions by getting outside and walking. If you can, find a scenic route. There's nothing more calming than the outdoors. (I highly recommend whistling and singing while you walk. It makes for happy thoughts.) 
  3. Calm down. By this I mean, don't stress about the stuff you don't have to. This is actually a very funny statement coming from me who used to stress about everything! Deadlines, laundry, work, family… you name it, I stressed about. Not until I realized that this would kill me no matter how healthy my food was did I drop the stress and pick up the laughter. Right now as I write this newsletter, I've got more things that need to get done today than are humanly possible. My reaction “Haha..better put my Superwoman shirt on” 
  4. Do not and I repeat, do not go on a low-fat diet. Your heart condition may get worse in your attempts. Drop the bad fats (like hydrogenated oil and the nasty oil in French fries and donuts) and start eating more healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, salmon, walnuts and whole organic eggs. 
  5. Do not be afraid to eat saturated fat. If read “The Truth About Saturated Fat” in The Diet Solution Program you know that eating saturated fats is not what is causing people to get heart disease. It is processed foods, sugars and an overabundance of refined carbohydrates that is making this country so sick. 

8 Simple Ways To Lose Fat 

  1. Set a goal for yourself and get real about achieving it. Until you set a goal of how much body fat you want to lose, you are just dreaming. It needs to be specific and written down. If losing body fat is what you want to do, you must be willing to achieve it at all costs. If you do not want to lose body fat enough, you will continue to give yourself reasons not to work out. Get real and tell yourself that you are going to do this, no matter what. Before any other step, this is the most important one. If you are not real and serious about losing fat, all the other steps will not help you. YOU MUST SET A GOAL FOR YOURSELF. You need a reason to keep going, to do cardio first thing in the morning, to skip that extra slice of pizza. You need a reason or you will not follow through. So step 1 is to stop dreaming and start doing. Tell yourself you are going to achieve your goal no matter what. Write down what you want to achieve and then go after it!
  2. Drink your life away! (well, not really) If you have ever doubted the importance of water, try going a few days without it. You can live weeks without food, but only days without water. It is used in EVERY single physiological process your body undergoes. It's importance cannot be stated enough, especially when it comes to fat-loss and fitness training. Shoot for at least a gallon a day, preferably more. The inconvenience of constantly using the bathroom is a minor drawback compared to the benefits you will receive. Keep a bottle wherever you spend most of your day, at your desk at work, in your car, hell, wear a water bottle around your neck, but just get enough water.
  3. Eat 5-6 (or more) small meals a day consisting of high protein, moderate carbs, and low-fat. This is important in keeping your metabolism efficiently burning calories. Constantly grazing on meals every 3 hours will allow your body to burn off what it has consumed quicker and more efficiently.Eating one or two larger meals will actually cause your body's metabolism to slow down. Skipping meals altogether will actually cause your body to store fat as a defense mechanism. Your body is not sure when its going to get its next meal so it tends to store more in case of perceived famine. Make each meal consist of higher protein (builds muscle), moderate carbohydrates (fuel for the body) and low fat (energy and protection). Use the 50-40-10 rule as an approximate guideline. 50% of your calories coming from protein, 40% carbs, and 10% fats.
  4. Do INTENSE cardiovascular workouts 3-4 times a week. This is where the majority of the calorie burning takes place. Not necessarily from the cardio you just did, but from the fact that doing cardio increases your metabolic rate so that the rest of the day you will burn off more calories as well. Treat your cardio days like you do your workouts. That means, put all of your energy and intensity into your cardio. Do 20-30 minutes of cardio 3-4 days a week. During a session of cardio, warm-up for 5 minutes, then do 20 minutes at a high intensity pace. Then cool down for the last 5 minutes. Go at a fast enough pace where you are sweating, panting, huffing, puffing, turning red. Get your body out of homeostasis (everythings normal and in balance).Doing cardio for the sakes of doing it will not burn fat. Going for a leisurely walk will not sufficiently burn fat, unless you walk ten miles. Riding a stationary bike while relaxingly reading the paper will not burn much fat. Hey, it's only 30 minutes. Bust your butt for this time and the return on your investment will be great. Choose cardio machines that get more of your body moving. The more you move, the more you burn.Stairmaster and running on the Treadmill are good examples. The recumbent bike is good also, because you can focus on high intensity without worrying about falling off. The more your whole body moves, the more energy you expend.
  5. Do INTENSE Weight training at least 3-4 times a week. Do not mistake weight training w/ trying to burn fat. Weight training will not burn a sufficient amount of body fat. What weight training will do is help you burn fat in the future. When you add muscle to your frame, your body has to expend more energy (burn more calories) to maintain that muscle tissue. So when you are at rest, even sleeping, the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you will expend. Weight training will not only strengthen existing muscle, but will add additional lean muscle tissue to handle any future demands placed on the muscle. The more lean muscle tissue you have, the more calories you will expend at rest. Not bad, huh?
  6.  Figure out your daily energy expenditure and reduce it. Most people do not like to calorie count, me included. But in order to properly lose body fat, you need to determine your daily energy expenditure or caloric maintenance level. You then need to reduce your energy consumption to be below your energy output. It's difficult to place a number on how much below your consumption you should go, because everyone is different. A good place to start would be 150-200 calories below your maintenance levels. Then continue to observe the effects in the mirror to determine if this number needs to be changed. If you continue to see no results, try reducing your energy consumption to 300 calories below your energy output.
  7. Instead of a 30 minute cardio session, do 2, 15 minute sessions. This is definitely a tough thing to do because of busy schedules, but if it is possible, do a 15 minute cardio session first thing in the morning and another session later in the afternoon or early evening. Research has shown that compared with subjects that did a 30 minute cardio session, those that did 2, 15 minute sessions burned twice as many calories. Make each 15 minute session still very intense, which is easier to do if you are going 15 minutes. Warm-up for 2-3 minutes and then go all out for 13-15 minutes, then cool down for 2-3 minutes.Once again, if you can fit 2, 15 minute cardio sessions into your day (avoid doing it on weight-training days), you will burn twice the amount of calories than doing a 30 minutes session.
  8. Continue to up your weight (overload) when doing resistance training. Remember that building lean muscle will assist you in the fat-burning process later on. The more muscle you have, the more energy your body expends to maintain that muscle, even at rest. In order to make constant and significant gains, remember to train intensely and for short durations. I like to call them "bursts of exercise!" Try and work no more than 2 muscle groups a workout, 3 workouts a week. Or you can do 1 muscle group each workout, training 5-6 days a week in shorter bursts. Keep reps lower than higher. This will cause you to maintain high enough resistance to add overload to the muscle, causing more muscle growth. Do only 2-3 heavy sets per exercise and keep workouts no longer than 45 minutes. Keep your workouts intense and to the point. Do it and get out of the gym. DO NOT DO YOUR CARDIO BEFORE WEIGHT TRAINING! It's hard to focus intensely on both weight training and cardio in the same session. Do not rob one to pay the other. 

The Best Fat Burning Pills That Do Not Exist! 

       Back in the day when I was still struggling to lose weight and getting totally desperate to see any kind of results, I fell into the same “quick fix” trap that I still see people falling into now. I tried every last extreme diet out there and I even resorted to dangerous fat burning pills…all in an effort to drop even just a little bit of weight…something, anything…I just didn't want to be fat anymore. 
        In my own defense (if I don't defend myself who will?), I didn't quite know back then how dangerous these pills were… at least not as much as I know now. I just figured so many other people were taking them and they were sold at the local store, they must be safe, right? Definitely NOT! 
        Here was the problem (for me and maybe for you too). We all want to see results and we want to see them NOW! Not only do most of us (myself included) lack patience in many areas of our lives (yes, get it to me yesterday) but sometimes when we don't see results in an instant, we lose steam, we give up, we just figure it's impossible. 
        Now, I'm not going to turn this into a Tony Robbins, self development, “You can do it” speech. But what I am going to tell you is that if you're looking for a quick fix to weight loss, fat burners are NOT the answer. 
        I could go on and on and tell you all the dangers associated with many of these pills…potential heart attack and damage to the heart, hormone disruption, stroke, permanent damage to your metabolism…but I think at this point many people are well aware of how dangerous these pills can be. We've all seen the unfortunate news reports of people dying from these pills…it's just awful. 
       What I do want to share with you are some “safe”, quick ways to get your fat burning engine cranking. Yes, healthy eating and exercise are always the answer, but sometimes we need just a bit more to get the ball rolling. 
        Here are some of my own strategies that anybody can implement safely for accelerated fat loss results: 

  1. Eliminate Wheat and Dairy for 2 weeks or more. I know, I know…this should be the Isabel theme song. I know I remind you of this all the time, but the truth is, it works! Most wheat and dairy products will cause an inflammatory response in your body (without you even realizing they are the cause) and make it really difficult, sometimes impossible to see fat even budge off your body. Wheat products include most breads, cereals, crackers, and pastas. Dairy includes milk products and cheeses. Eggs are ok and in many cases and butter is ok as well and will not stop the fat burning process. 
  2. Eliminate all grains for 2 weeks or more. Holy smokes..now Isabel is getting a bit carried away here. Look I'm just telling you what works. And if you have to get into a bikini in a few weeks, your high school reunion is right around the corner (and your ex-boyfriend will be there!), or you just want the pounds to come off faster, I highly suggest going “grain free” until you reach your desired weight. NO, I'm not saying grains are unhealthy. I'm just saying sometimes fat loss will be more accelerated without them. Grains include rice, oatmeal, millet, quinoa and spelt. All healthy, yes, but a few weeks without them will help your body shed fat faster. 
  3. Add lemon to your water. Lemon is a wonderful detoxifier to the liver. And since the liver is your “fat burning” organ, we want it always working at optimum. Keep your liver squeeky clean, by not only eliminating processed foods and toxic substances from your eating plan but also by giving it a good cleaning with some fresh lemon. You can also add some cayenne pepper to your drink as well and that will help to get your bowels moving (if the food is not finding its way out, weight loss will be much slower).
  4. Eat your fruit servings before 4pm. Again, another wonderful food group that I am in no way saying is “bad” but you may see increased fat loss results by eating your fruit with breakfast, mid morning snack and lunch and then sticking to veggies for your mid afternoon snack and dinner. Raw carrots and peppers are great with almond butter in the afternoon and a piece of steak or salmon over sautéed greens and a side salad is a great dinner. You will then still get in your fruit servings for the day but will have had them much earlier in the day.          There are many tactics and strategies that you can try before resorting to something dangerous like taking fat burning supplements that will work when you stick to them. Take action on the above 4 steps and walk onto the beach or into that high school reunion feeling and looking great. And if you're lucky, your EX doesn't subscribe to my newsletter and he'll be wondering why he ever let you get away.